5 signs that you need to take a break from your relationship

We all would love to believe that once you find the one for yourself, the entire life becomes a walk in the park. If only that was true! Despite being in a relationship for a long time, at some point, you wonder if you need to take a break and figure things out and the correct answer is YES. It is okay to be confused about your partner and wonder if everything is actually working out or not.

There are few signs that can help you to figure out if you need to take a break from the relationship.

Most of the time you two are fighting which is hampering any chance of growth for the relationship. It is okay to not have it right and take your time to figure out the real reasons for your disagreements. Constant fights with your partner are not just emotionally draining but also takes a toll on the relationship.

You need to sort somethings

Though most people might not agree or understand, there are certain issues that are only about you and you have to face them. During this time, some people want their own space and it is okay to want that. Take a break to focus on yourself, if you feel it is the right thing to do.

Sometimes we are more in love with the idea of love than the person. It is easy to project our desires on to someone else and get disappointed. So, if you are confused about your feelings, take a step back and scrutinise. It is important to get clarity before you move forward.

You feel unprepared

Despite what Bollywood would have us believe, not everyone is born ready to fall in love, it takes time. There are chances that you might have rushed into your relationship fast and now you are not sure what to do. When you are feeling this way, take some time to figure out what you want.

Losing your identity

You have been in a relationship for so long that you don’t even know who you are anymore. Then you must take a chance and figure it out.

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